
Friday, February 10, 2012

Kumihimo Instructions - Kumihimo Round Braids

kumihimo instructions
Here's what you'll need:
  • 7 strands of yarn, floss, or string - 12" each
  • Octagon-shaped disk made from foam, cardboard or plastic.  The disk needs a hole in the center and a slit on each of the eight sides.

General Instructions:
  • Hold the ends of the 7 strands together and tie a knot.
  • Put the knot through the hole of the disk from top to bottom.
  • Hold the knot with one hand under the disk. The untied ends of the yarn are on top of the disk. With your other hand, place each strand in a slit, leaving one slit open.
  • Hold the disk so that the open slit is towards your body.
  • Count to the third strand to the right of the open slit. Take that strand and move it to the open slit.
  • Rotate the disk clockwise so that the open slit is towards your body.
  • Again, count to the third strand to the right of the open slit. Take that strand and move it to the open slit. Rotate the disk. Repeat these two steps until your braid is the length you want.
  • To end the braid, remove the yarn from the disk. Tie a knot in the end.